employee assistance programs EAP

Employee productivity is important for any business’ success, but sometimes employees are too overwhelmed by personal or behavioral problems to perform at their highest level. High stress, psychological problems, substance abuse, legal troubles and other personal issues can lead to lower productivity and focus during work, increased absenteeism and higher health care costs. Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) can address these issues and help you tend to your personal needs.

What is an Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)?

An employee assistance program is an employer-sponsored program that offers services to help you deal with personal problems. EAPs can help reduce your health care and disability claims, increase your productivity and morale and lower absenteeism.

What do Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) cover?

EAPs can vary from employer to employer, but most have common elements. Some programs are limited and stick to alcohol and drug abuse, but many programs offer expanded services that address a variety of areas. Typical issues addressed include the following:

  • Alcohol or substance abuse
  • Smoking cessation
  • Divorce/marital problems
  • Stress management
  • Crisis intervention
  • Child care
  • Eldercare
  • Eating disorders
  • Gambling addiction
  • Psychological or psychiatric problems
  • Financial problems
  • Legal problems

An employee assistance program is an employer-sponsored program that offers services to help employees deal with personal problems.

To talk about employee assistance programs (EAPs) for your organization, get in touch with me here.