We’ve waited all winter to get outside so take this opportunity to enjoy the May flowers and get moving outside during physical fitness and sports month.  Take advantage of all the free outdoor classes at your local parks—most health insurance companies sponsor free classes almost daily—and many are family-friendly!

May is also a great time to get outside and visit a local or close-by park or trail, such as Allegany State Park, Letchworth State Park, or the Niagara Falls Gorge.  While it isn’t too hot and humid out yet, getting in a hike or walk with family and friends is a free and fun activity.  Pack some snacks or a lunch and have a picnic while you enjoy the scenic views and nature.

Being active as a family increases opportunities for kids and families to be physically active. Here are some activities you and your family can consider to get started on a path to a healthier lifestyle.

  • Give children toys that encourage physical activity, such as balls, kites and jump ropes.
  • Encourage children to join a sports team or try a new physical activity.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Facilitate a safe walk to and from school several times a week.
  • Walk around the block after a meal.
  • Find time to spend together doing a fun activity, like family bike day or swim day.
  • Make a new house rule: No sitting still during television commercials.
  • Issue a family challenge to commit to physical activity five days a week for six weeks.