preventative health care for men

Did You Know?

Preventive care, including regular doctor visits, is important for everyone. There are certain tests and screenings that are appropriate for both men and women at various life stages, and some that are specific to men and their needs. Consider incorporating these screenings, tests and exams into your life to promote good health and prevent the onset of preventable conditions.

Consider these topics and procedures when considering preventive care:

  • Body Measurement – Men over the age of age 20 should have their body measurement taken every two years. The measurements can revel if someone is obese or overweight
  • Blood Pressure – Men should have their blood pressure taken at least every two years to detect early signs of hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Cholesterol Screening – Men should have a cholesterol test every five years after the age of 20. High levels of cholesterol raise the risk of heart attack and stroke
  • Fasting Blood Sugar – Men should have a blood sugar test every three years after the age of 45 to measure a risk for diabetes.
  • Colorectal Cancer Screening – Men should have a colorectal screening to detect cancerous cells and growths in the inside wall of the colon after the age of 50
  • Prostate Cancer Screening – Men over the age of 50 should have a yearly digital rectal exam and prostate screening test
  • Testicular Cancer – All teenage males and adult men should have a testicular exam every time they visit the doctor for a physical exam

Preventative Healthy Hints

Both men and women should have regular dental visits (every six months) to have their teeth cleaned and check for problems with their teeth and gums. In addition, adults should have an eye exam every three years and a hearing test every 10 years before the age of 50 and every three years after the age of 50.

In addition to these tests, the American Cancer Society recommends that men and women have a skin exam every three years between the ages of 20 and 40, and every year after age 40.