Mike Mancuso employee benefits communications

Mike Mancuso, Partner in our Employee Benefits division, was recently featured in a Rochester Business Journal story “Firms work harder to describe benefits” discussing how through employee benefits communications we use Lawley Benefits University to keep clients up to date on the newest regulatory and legislative issues that could affect them, like the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare.

Having Judy Kamens in-house, our dedicated Compliance Specialist on our employee benefits team, helps to quickly understand and develop employer and employee benefits communications to help clarify this information for clients.

“In the past five years, especially with health care reform, the things people have had to worry about are increasing a lot,” said Mike Mancuso, a partner in the Buffalo-based company’s Rochester office. “A lot of this stuff is complicated and can get very confusing, so we try to keep it concise and easily understandable so they know exactly what the law says.”

Since the National Society for Human Resource Management identified employee communications as one of the major trends for 2016 and with new employee reporting requirements tied to the Affordable Care Act and changes in employee classification under the revised Fair Labor Standard Act regulations, there is a need for more information for employees.

“I would say it’s a much more complex landscape,” Mancuso said. “We run into a lot of companies that are out of compliance and don’t know it. It’s a tough time especially for midsize companies. Unless you’re a larger company with multiple people in your human resources or compliance department, you have to make sure you have good partners to stay out of the crosshairs.”

Mike went on to discuss how the employee benefits team at Lawley engages and educates customers with various methods of communications about their healthcare.

“We use our website, email and a newsletter we send out, then follow it up with face-to-face visits,” Mancuso said.

The full article can be read here.