Autumn Vegtables

The holiday season brings party food, cookies, eggnog and other holiday treats that are often high-calorie, though tasty, choices.

Holiday festivities don’t have to derail the smart strategies you use during the rest of the year! Try these four tips at all of your holiday parties and gatherings.

  1. Use a smaller plate. This visual trick really works. Even if you fill and finish your plate of food, you’ll end up eating much less than if you’d used a dinner plate. Just limit yourself to one!
  2. Mingle in the middle of the room. The closer you stand to the buffet table, the more likely you are to consume extra calories. Instead of being a hovercraft, fill that small plate and fly away to the middle of the room.
  3. Eat regular meals. Skipping meals so you can splurge at the party will only result in overeating. Start the day with a nutritious breakfast.
  4. Be careful with the alcohol. Drinks like eggnog pack in the extra calories, so don’t over indulge.
  5. Keep sweets to a minimum.  A cookie here, a piece of pie there can add up, especially when co-workers bring in leftover cookies. Be mindful of the amount of sweets you take, or split something with a colleague.

Lastly and very importantly—stay hydrated. Think you’re hungry? You may actually be thirsty. Drink two glasses of water before every meal to help you consume fewer calories.