Work zones are always a dangerous place. However, in a recent study conducted by the Associate General Contractors of America, the danger seems to be rising as they report that in 2016, 44% of roadway contractors have had vehicles crash in their work sites.

The survey, which was presented to more than 700 contractors across the United States, also showed that within those crashes, 49% of the time people, either working at the construction site or driving the vehicle, reported injuries. And, 13% of those injuries resulted in fatalities.

Regarding only the construction workers, 25% of crashes injure worksite staff and 11% kill workers.

These numbers are scary. Especially because the AGCA says that “82% of surveyed contractors reported that vehicle crashes pose a greater risk now than they did just 10 years ago.”

Protecting everyone at a work site has to be a top priority. Making sure all safety regulations are instated is a start, but education is key as well.

“There is no meeting, email or text that is more important than the safety of workers or motorists,” said Stephen Sandherr, the association’s CEO. “It is absolutely essential for every driver to slow down, pay attention and put the phone down while driving through highway work zones.”