With recent tornadoes appearing as close as Maryland, we wanted to promote some tornado safety advice for anyone who may be at risk for tornado-like weather throughout today’s storms, and anytime severe weather warnings are in place.

Before a Tornado Strikes

  • When the National Weather Service issues a tornado watch, go to your shelter area and check to see that everything you need for protection is there.
  • Gather bottled water, non-perishable food items, flashlights and a battery-operated radio.
  • Keep an ear to the radio or television and listen for storm status updates, and stay alert for warnings.

Signs of a Tornado
In addition to listening to weather reports, the following signs may indicate a tornado is near:

  • Strong, persistent rotations at a cloud’s base
  • Whirling dust or debris
  • Hail or heavy rain, followed by a dead calm or intense wind shift
  • Loud rumbles of noise that do not fade away in seconds like thunder

During a Tornado

  • Go to the basement or lowest level of your home, get under a sturdy structure, such as a table, and then cover yourself with protective materials. If your home does not have a basement, go to a small, central space such as bathroom, closet, under a stairwell or a hallway with no windows. Then, crouch down to the floor, face down and cover your head with your hands.
  • If you live in a mobile home, leave your house and seek other shelter. If there is nowhere else to go, lie flat on the ground and cover your head with your hands.